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All things bought, brought, disposed of, or left behind...


First off, disclaimer: I am by no means an expert on any of the equipment but hope to be by the time I roll up to the Atlantic. I will be undertaking this arduous journey atop the sturdy steel from of a Specialized AWOL:  an edventure touring bike (ie, think a road bike, but everything is thicker).  At night I will be sleeping in a spacious REI HalfDome 2 Plus tent while laying on an Alps Mountaineering inflatable pad. Below is a link to a spreadsheet that contains information on all my gear: what I used, what I didn't, pricing, weight, things of that nature.  My hope is that anyone else looking to make a similar journey can use my list as a reference.


Most of my gear, minus the bike itself, was bought off of Amazon or from REI.  Some of the gear I already had from previous adventures and so I will have to do a little guess work on the pricing.  Everything I bought was in the mid-level price range of what is out there.

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